Our Blogs | Cosy Roots

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With a lot of information about a conscious, sustainable everyday life, as well as about our collections and their production.

Green fashion

Capsule Wardrobe – Warum wir keine Kollektionen planen

Capsule Wardrobe – Why we don’t plan collections

​In the fast-moving fashion industry , many companies rely on seasonal collections to constantly serve new trends and different styles. For fast fashion companies ,...

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6 nachhaltige Geschenkideen zum Muttertag

6 sustainable gift ideas for Mother’s Day

6 sustainable gift ideas for Mother’s Day

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UV STANDARD 801 Test nach Hohenstein - Alles, was Du darüber wissen solltest!

UV STANDARD 801 test according to Hohenstein - Everything you should know about it!

​In a world where sun protection plays an increasingly important role, it is crucial to understand how we can protect ourselves and our little darlings...

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Cosy Roots Care Guide: Die richtige Pflege für nachhaltige Kleidung

Cosy Roots Care Guide: The right care for sustainable clothing

Sustainable clothing embodies quality, durability and responsible use of resources. But the issue of sustainability is not just about buying fair fashion - because only...

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Frisch ins neue Jahr - Wie Du den Kleiderschrank Deines Lieblings richtig ausmistest

Fresh into the New Year - How to properly clean out your loved one's closet

A quick look in your little darling's wardrobe is enough to know that it's long overdue for a clear-out. Who hasn't experienced it - at...

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Hausschuhe Kita: Diese Eigenschaften müssen sie erfüllen

Nursery slippers: These are the features they must meet

When choosing slippers for kindergarten, there are far more important criteria than appearance and price. Find out here what you should pay attention to.

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Upcycling and craft ideas

Cosy Roots goes Easter - tolles Oster DIY zum Nachmachen

Cosy Roots goes Easter - great Easter DIY to copy

Easter is just around the corner ! The Easter season is a great opportunity to let our creativity run wild and decorate our homes with...

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Herbstbasteln: Basteln mit Naturmaterialien

Autumn crafts: crafts with natural materials

Magical ideas for crafting with natural materials! Use leaves, chestnuts and twigs to create wonderful works of art that are fun to make.

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Seife selber machen mit Kindern

Make your own soap with children

Would you like to make your own soap? Children will have great fun with our recipe. Experiment with colors, shapes and scents - the perfect...

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Play paradise mud kitchen: You have to pay attention to this

A mud kitchen is a highlight for children and is quick to build. However, you should pay attention to a few things. We will show...

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Build your own bee waterer

Make your garden attractive for bees and insects: Build your own bee waterer from natural materials. You can find simple instructions and good tips here.

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Basteln für Weihnachten: Kreative Ideen für jedes Alter

Crafts for Christmas: creative ideas for all ages

Crafts for Christmas are a lot of fun, especially for children. We have great upcycling ideas for your Christmas decorations. Ready - tinker - go!

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Vegan family

Geschenkideen Kinder: Nachhaltiges zu Weihnachten verschenken

Gift ideas for children: Sustainable gifts for Christmas

Useful gift ideas for children without kitsch, pollutants and plastic. Here you will find a wonderful selection of environmentally friendly gifts for Christmas.

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Zu Weihnachten: Geschenke für werdende Mütter

For Christmas: Gifts for expectant mothers

Special gift ideas for pregnant women: We present you sustainable gifts that ensure unforgettable moments in this exciting phase of life.

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ab wann laufen babys

Child development: When do babies walk?

Turning, crawling, creeping and finally the first steps - children develop incredibly quickly. Find out here when babies should learn to walk.

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kinder am strand

With children on the beach: 3 tips for a relaxed beach holiday

In this guide you will find out which must-haves should not be missing on a family holiday by the sea and what children really need...

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Vegane Müsliriegel: Schnell und einfach gemacht

Vegan granola bars: quick and easy to make

Vegan muesli bars are a real power snack for you and your child. Homemade muesli bars, such as oat bars or so-called granola bars, are...

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Babys vegetarisch ernähren - oder sogar vegan, geht das?

Feeding babies a vegetarian diet – or even a vegan diet, is that possible?

Do you want to become vegan, eat more consciously for yourself and your family, or learn more about vegan food supplements? Then this article is...

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Our turbulent family – vegetarian, sustainable and a little bit crazy

Spring is here: Our sowing calendar for herbs, flowers and vegetables in April

It's finally here - the long-awaited spring ! After many cold and rainy months , the weather is gradually getting better , the days are...

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Babykleidung waschen: Die richtige Pflege für eine lange Lebensdauer

Washing baby clothes: The right care for a long life

When washing baby clothes, choose non-toxic materials such as organic cotton, wash the clothes before wearing them for the first time and use environmentally friendly...

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Kinder- und Babykleidung: Winter Produkte für kaltes Wetter

Children's and baby clothing: winter products for cold weather

For winter, babies and toddlers should be dressed in clothes made of natural, breathable fabrics such as organic cotton, wool and silk. It is important...

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Kindersachen verkaufen: Tipps zum schnellen Erfolg

Selling children's things: tips for quick success

Find tips for successfully selling used children's clothes, highlighting that high-quality and well-presented clothes sell better and this helps promote the circular economy and reduce...

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Erste Schritte: Laufen lernen fördern bei Babys

First steps: encouraging babies to learn to walk

Babies learn to walk individually and at their own pace, and parents can support this by providing sturdy objects to hold on to, non-slip shoes...

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Presseartikel Cosy Roots

Press article in Baby & Junior

There it is... The first press article about us in the Baby&Junior magazine, which makes us incredibly proud! Please click on the link to go...

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