DIY - Upcycling & Craft Ideas | Cozy Roots

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Cosy Roots goes Easter - tolles Oster DIY zum Nachmachen

Cosy Roots goes Easter - great Easter DIY to copy

Easter is just around the corner ! The Easter season is a great opportunity to let our creativity run wild and decorate our homes with...

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Herbstbasteln: Basteln mit Naturmaterialien

Autumn crafts: crafts with natural materials

Magical ideas for crafting with natural materials! Use leaves, chestnuts and twigs to create wonderful works of art that are fun to make.

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Seife selber machen mit Kindern

Make your own soap with children

Would you like to make your own soap? Children will have great fun with our recipe. Experiment with colors, shapes and scents - the perfect...

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Play paradise mud kitchen: You have to pay attention to this

A mud kitchen is a highlight for children and is quick to build. However, you should pay attention to a few things. We will show...

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Build your own bee waterer

Make your garden attractive for bees and insects: Build your own bee waterer from natural materials. You can find simple instructions and good tips here.

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Basteln für Weihnachten: Kreative Ideen für jedes Alter

Crafts for Christmas: creative ideas for all ages

Crafts for Christmas are a lot of fun, especially for children. We have great upcycling ideas for your Christmas decorations. Ready - tinker - go!

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Badreiniger selbermachen: Nachhaltig und umweltfreundlich

Make your own bathroom cleaner: sustainable and environmentally friendly

Make your own bathroom cleaner? Sure, of course! We'll show you how you can do it in just a few minutes without chemicals and with...

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9 Rezepte, Allzweckreiniger selber zu machen

9 recipes to make all-purpose cleaner yourself

Many conventional cleaners have harmful ingredients. We show you 9 recipes how to make all-purpose cleaner yourself.

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Herbstbasteln mit Kindern: 3 kreative Ideen

Autumn crafts with children: 3 creative ideas

Autumn crafts with children, fun for the whole family. Our creative ideas for crafting with children in autumn with natural materials and more.

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